
niedziela, 15 lipca 2012

ul. Żeromskiego

Prawie, jak na wsi.
Almost the countryside.

Wygięta antena - os. Różańskiego.
Curved satellite dish - Rozanskiego Estate.

Trzy wiszące lampy - chyba jedyne takie w Zabrzu.
Three hanging lamps - probably one of the kind in Zabrze.

4 komentarze:

  1. Would love to spend a long, long, long time there.

  2. Robert, really? I think local habitant would be very surprised by your comment :O)

  3. Once I thought about moving to Poland, would love to visit it very much. Loved reading "Biały kruk" and would like to visit such places.

  4. It's nice to read it, Robert. However, I may assume that you may be some kind of exception in this matter.
